If your machine will do that just install a bootable OS on the 2nd drive and use the menu Fred mentions to make the choice at boot time.


Fred Holmes wrote:
At 11:42 AM 7/27/2009, Marcio wrote:
Time off to sudy this dual boot... I already have a boot C: and a Data D:... I 
am no sure if I can put a third HD and have he option to boot frm it...  
Computers are fun...up to a pont...


Modern computers have a boot menu built into the BIOS.  On Dell computers it is 
generally pressing F12 that brings up the boot menu (a list of storage devices, 
for the user to select which one to boot from).  There is generally a 
notification of this on the boot screen, along with the keypress to bring up 
the BIOS Setup routine.  Of course, these notifications can be suppressed by a 
choice in the BIOS setup.

The foregoing is totally separate from any multiple boot manager software that 
you may have installed on your default boot drive.

Fred Holmes

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