That's for sure...I get my gmail in my outlook and I have many archives
...just yesterday I had to go get some tax records for 2007 ...easy as pie
...just looked in some archives and there it was ...saved my ...well, you
know ...but really you wanna trust google to store your stuff?

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Rigby [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:29 AM
Subject: Gmail issue

   I see on the Google Blog that others are having this current  
"Unable to connect" problem with GMail.  This problem also surfaced  
back in March, in May and earlier in July, as well as numerous other  
times in the past.

   I'll just wait and be patient.  This only causes a problem for  
using the browser to access my account.  POP mail to and from GMail is  
still working fine.  I am glad I set that up from the outset.


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