On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 2:36 PM, rleesimon<rleesi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My laptop (ibm x31 winxpprosp3 pIVm1.4/2gb/120gb) sits most of the time on a
> dock which, instead of the battery has a sled in the ultrabay with the old
> 40mb HDD which started making noise today and doesn't show on the
> list.opened the bay and it's hot,hot.  Is this the proverbial "end" of that?

  Sounds as if the bearings have given out.  It may lock up on you
soon, unable to spin up the next time you turn it on.  Best to get
that data off of there now.

  I can't answer your question about what capacity drive to use as a


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