Imagine this:

1.  We would not be looking at record deficits
2.  We would not be elevating tax cheats to positions of power.
3. The president would not be calling police responding to 911 calls stupid. 4. We would not be about to confirm a Supreme Court justice who does not accept a right to self defense, who thinks foreign law (outside of treaties) has bearing on the US Constitution, and who flat out lies to congress to get confirmed.
5.  The government would own a majority stakes in GM
6.  We would not need a site such as this:

Yeah, just imagine.


On Aug 2, 2009, at 2:56 PM, TPiwowar wrote:

Just imagine if John McCain had won the election boobs like this would be running the country and we would be facing the prospect of our grandchildren speaking Chinese instead of English.

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