On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Jeff Wright<jswri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The "HD" in HD Radio stands for hybrid digital, not high definition.

  While I agreed with your description of what "HD" is an abbreviation
for, the use of the term "HD" can be determined by any entity that
employs that term.  In fact, "HD" is simply the brand name for the
digital broadcasting system that was approved for use by the FCC.  The
holder of the patent for the system as approved by the FCC maintains
that "HD" actually means nothing and is purely a moniker used by them
to identify their patented product.  Users of their product may
describe that term in any way they may see fit.  Many stations do
refer to "HD" as meaning "High Definition."  The term "Hybrid Digital"
has similarly been adopted primarily by engineering types, but again,
has nothing to do with the term "HD" as held by the patent holder.


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