A lot people of any generation, the cost is prohibitive.

Beg to differ.  One of the fastest growing and most innovative areas
of hi-fi is in headphone systems.  The youngsters all ready use Ipods
and Zunes, they all ready have computers.

They may not have the scratch for a full blown rig, but you can get
audiophile quality for not too much more than a Mac Mini, a decent
DAC/headphone amp, and some relatively cheap interconnects.

Absolutely kills any Ipod or Zune on the planet for under US$2500
or less.

Do it with a last generation PC for even less.

Mac Mini (new)          US$600.00
Benchmark DAC1      US$1000.00
Sennheiser HD600s    US$300.00
Optical interconnect    US$20.00
Itunes                         Free
Monitor, keyboard      US$200.00

Of course you're on you're own as far as the tunes are concerned.

But that is highly respectable hardware that will support later
expansion, that is the way I went, except that my music server is
a PC.

You can get less expensive than that but only if you are willimg
to trade off the control flexibility and balanced outputs of the
DAC mentioned.

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