>       I pay less the $200/mo for food. Never really thought about food
> costs being high. Of course no one is this household is obese. And we
> eat steak twice a week. Chicken, pork and fish make up the other days.

I didn't say that food was expensive.  I said I pay more on the 2 items that
we consider to be essential to living, food and shelter, than to what we
consider the very expensive 3rd leg, medicine.  I do this fairly easily in a
relatively expensive city to live in.

That food, which uses a mixed but largely free market system, is so cheap
and plentiful that even the poor can easily afford it, is lost on the
socialized medicine proponents.

> I agree that housing costs are through the roof. No pun intended. But
> I blame the banks mostly for this.

I too blame the banks, the central banks that is.

Funny how political interference in the housing market to create "affordable
housing" ended up creating a pig-sty free for all that only caused housing
prices to rise out of reach for all but the wealthiest.  To add insult to
injury, we now have a political class that considers these inflated housing
prices to be so sacrosanct that they must be propped up at all costs.

Again, the irony will be lost as to why things cost so damned much.

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