Did they do a line test?

Allegedly.  But as I was all ready aware, the problem wasn't with
the line per se.  I had clean dial tone and could establish a dial up
connection at 48-50 kbps, meaning that the line wasn't compromised.

I all ready knew it wasn't the router, since I have a second known
good unit on hand and it would not sync either.

This meant that the problem was sither 1) the jumper in the CO
to the DSLAM, 2) a bad port on the DSLAM, or 3) the DSLAM's
connection to the upstream ATM network (or the network itself).

Didn't really matter which, it did mean that all of the useless
questions asked by the India rep were a pointless exercise.

Besides, they work from a script and if it isn't all filled out you
can't get any further up the food chain.  I made no attempt to
explain what I'd all ready done, none of it fit the script.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I had all the help I needed
in terms of technical resources when I got to work, but I decided
to let it roll and see what happened.  Aroud 11:30 a machine
called my cell phone and reported the trouble cleared.  Just
got back and it does work again.

Way more hassle than I needed, I'm told that if you yell enough
at tier 1 they'll get you to tier 2, but I didn't try that.

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