I do something similar every time I upgrade or reload.

I love my Eudora. Until they come out with something that works as well and as easy.

I will not change.


At 09:13 AM 9/11/2009, you wrote:
Eudora works fine on all versions of windows up thru Windows 7 ultimate.

I just re-install Eudora on the new machine in the same directory where
it was installed on the old one.  I use C:\eudora or D:\eudora and then
don't start it.  I then overwrite all the files in my eudora directory with
the old one and all of my messages and settings are fine.

Eudora has so many neat features that Outlook or the sucessor to Eudora
is supposed to have that I have resigned myself to not screw with what


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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