Financial Times' "how to spend it" magazine defined netbooks well on their Sept. 19, 2009 "technopolis" page. The prose is delightful--describes the attraction perfectly:

Samsung N310 Mini-Notebook

"It's only two years since the word "netbook" emerged to describe a mini, handbag/man-bag-sized laptop designed primarily for working on basic documents, e-mailing, web browsing and accessing web-based applications. It all took off with those clever Taiwanese at Asus and their seemingly Yorkshire-inspired "Eee" (as in "by gum") models, and now they're everywhere. In every airport lounge, hotel lobby and even business-class section I have been in lately, netbooks have outnumbered regular laptops. They are also superb for watching BBC iPlayer; the small screen makes the picture look better, plus the miniature scale makes them, if I may say, great in bed...

...Plenty of choice, then, but for style, it has to be the Samsung [N310]."

[sorry no link, issue hasn't been posted at; find it at a big library]


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