I am not an expert, but I have seen articles.

France is one of those countries that have started to limit sales of items within their country to recognized brands. (Or something similar) They have sued Ebay for allowing sellers to feature trademarked items from French Companies.

Also what you are buying is called gray market items.

Gray market means it is not illegal, but that it is in a gray area and the warranty (if there is one) is not necessarily valid.

This might be an explanation or it could be totally off the wall.

Take it with the big load of salt I offer it.


At 07:12 PM 10/2/2009, you wrote:
Below is a "Background" section -- it explains only my motivation for my question, so skip it to the actual question following unless you like to read stuff.

BACKGROUND =====================

I am a devotee of the fountain pen since my second grade in public school. Write a lot, tried many brands & models of all prices, settled on a moderately-priced pen made in France. Since I write so much, I keep 6 to 8 pens in rotation so that I don't have to fill ink from a bottle so often. Problem is, I lose pens fairly frequently (I believe in my house but maybe not), so I have to buy more.
Recently I found that my favorite web store increased the price by 1/3.
Turns out, the sole U.S. importer has demanded that all stores, including web store, can't offer the pen lower than its list price.

I found an eBay store in France that offers both a "Buy It Now" price and an auction for that pen. The "Buy It Now" price with both shipping & insurance is about half price of the U.S. stores. The auction price is a bit less.

But before finding the eBay store, I searched on Google for stores in France, Germany, & Italy. Of course, I used the advanced search to specify the domain but there were very few stores listed on Google. My eBay store (a large one) from which I bought my pen was not found on Google. Why does Google not list links to overseas stores?

BTW, there are a lot of examples of many different kinds of merchandise that are artificially increased in price because of exclusive contracts for importation into the U.S. by a domestic company. So far as I know, buying from an overseas company via the web is not a violation of any exclusive contract by a U.S. company.

END BACKGROUND ====================

Finding web stores & sellers from other countries on Google search in the U.S. produces unsatisfactory results for me. Specifying the Google search domain from other countries has proved for me to produce a limited number of links.
Question: Is there a good way of finding web stores internationally?
From Google, or from other web searches? Is there a way to access a web search that is primarily directed to an overseas country?

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
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