On Oct 12, 2009, at 10:53 AM, mike wrote:
> I don't know how your neomicrosofticons feel or conservatives, but I felt
> bad for Obama, the committee made him look like a fool by giving it to him.

Can you read the subject line? This thread is about a big M$ fail
caused by not backing up critical data.

This is not a forum for America bashing.

Latest news on the Danger front is that M$ is digging itself even
deeper there...

"Microsoft's Pink phone project may be on the verge of falling apart
even before its first product ships, according to a controversial set
of leaks supposedly confirmed today."

"Microsoft has poorly managed the project and squandered the
acquisition of Sidekick creator Danger from 2008. Rather than
implement Danger's advice, the larger company has watched the majority
of the team either fired or leave in frustration as the majority of
their advice is ignored."

"Among the errors, Microsoft is said to have been too ambitious and
tried to develop both CDMA/EVDO and UMTS/HSPA of the Pure and Turtle
designs alike, not realizing that each needed different chipsets and
antennas that would dictate fundamental changes to each; it had also
tried to simply ask the key hardware partner, Sharp, to build based on
the renderings rather than realistic goals"


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