On Oct 12, 2009, at 6:05 AM, computerg...@att.net wrote:
> Thank you everyone who replied to my post a while back.  Briefly, I am trying 
to save web pages
> in my computer, rather than print them out and have lots of paper laying 
around.  Per the advice here,
> I updated my Firefox to the latest version and was able to save the complete 
pages using the format
> "Web page complete."  After a period of time, all the text disappeared and  
all that remained were the images.
> Any advice at this point?  I am using Windows Vista but had the same problem 
before with XP.

Web page complete sometimes leaves out the CSS link.

I recall that your previous question was specifically about "Web page
complete," not about the best way to save a page intact. When I want
to preserve pages I save them as PDFs.

I make PDFs when I want to save the info and images from a web page, as for receipts or for reference.

However, "Web page complete" will save source and images for future revisions. The links from source to image can be lost unless they're located in the same directory/folder. When any parts are moved, you'll need to relink them in a web authoring program or with simple hand coding.


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