At 03:40 PM 10/13/2009 -0400, you wrote:
New Republican Party 2.0 web site debuts with bugs and blanks

"The first post makes Steele sound like he just discovered the internet
yesterday. The accomplishments page's last listing was 2004 touting vouchers
for DC school children. The issues pages is blank. The future leaders page
has a brief essay with no actual featured leaders. The most contemporary
heroes are Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower. I guess George W. Bush does
not count?...  the site keeps returning php errors, eg: returns an error message
- PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01DFBB01."

Hmmm, that's the only page (besides the "Donate" page) that I can get to work. The home page doesn't load at all. Maybe they're working on it right now? :)

I've seen far better pages belonging to 13 y/o's on Facebook.


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