I am getting myself ready to upgrade at least one of my machines.

I have one Vista machine and one XP that I want to upgrade and a possibility of two more.

I have 4 copies of Windows 7 upgrade (bought at half price this summer)

In preparing for the upgrade I have one major disappointment.and it is not with Microsoft it is with HP.

I have a number of printers hooked up to our home network and one of those is an HP. I go to their web site to get Windows 7 drivers and they say they will not be ready till January 2010. Major HUH? My Epson's all have Windows 7 ready drivers but not the HP's says that Windows 7 has basic drivers already part of 7 and I would have to hook up with a USB cable to get them installed?

What is up with HP? They should have those suckers ready for download on October 22nd not waiting till January 2010.


At 03:25 PM 10/23/2009, you wrote:
On Oct 23, 2009, at 1:19 PM, mike wrote:
A good review of win 7 from the true blue king of the MFB's.

It is not a good review. It is a stupid review. Mossberg should know
better. Remember those glowing pre-release reviews of Vista? It took a
while to sink in that it was crap. Same for Apple's Snow Leopard.
Initial reviews were superlative. Then we slowly discovered what was
badly broken.

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