I was happy to hear these guys expound on the whole Windows 7 thing from the
perspective of people who use Macs while doing their paying jobs.

MacBreak Weekly #164: Pinch, Pull, And Tug - running time about 1 hr. 26
min. - http://twit.tv/mbw164

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Alex Lindsay, Andy Ihnatko

 - Leo and Alex have ordered 27" quad-core iMacs
 - Development of Sun ZFS file system for Mac OS X discontinued
 - Verizon to release multiple "Droid" smartphones? Leo's sources say so.
 - HTML 5 Canvas as a replacement for Flash? Would work on more mobile
 - New Apple "Get a Mac" ads target Windows 7.
 - Is Windows 7 "Good Enough"?
 - Open-source implementation of ZFS - try at own risk!

Even he, to whom most things that most people would think were pretty smart
were pretty dumb, thought it was pretty smart.

 - Douglas Adams

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