On Thu, 12 Nov 2009, Paul Meyer wrote:
Old topic, I know but I am cleaning out my folders.

Basic and Fortran are very different animals from
object oriented languages.  Books on design patterns
in those languages will really get you to understand
why o-o is useful.  C++ FAQ is a greatly educative
and easier to read book. C# is pretty once you know

Actually, I'd say C# is closer to Java than it is to C++.
With maybe a dash of Object-C thrown in ("properties" as
part of classes).

----- Original Message ----
From: Allen Firstenberg <cg...@addventure.com>
Sent: Mon, May 18, 2009 3:18:06 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Java & C++ - Quickest way to learn

Java has always been easy to learn since they have always given both the
compiler and a set of tutorials away.  Not to mention that the API
documentation is also publicly (and freely) available.  The tutorials
(called the "trails") are available at
I have never found a book that does any better, and many are substantially

Keep in mind that "Java" is... huge.  Beyond the language itself there are
truly a massive number of libraries, APIs, specifications, and "editions"
(and implementations of same) that are available and which some people will
assume you know.

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Michael Drabick <m.drab...@hdhcci.com>wrote:
I am looking for the quickest way to get up to speed on these two
programing languages, as I have become one of the victims of this troubled
I have been to a few Job fairs and every one wants Java and C++/C#
programmers with clearances. It seems the government is the only one with
money to spend and they want their projects done in those languages.  I
learned Fortran & Basic decades ago so this shouldn't be that difficult.
 Any advise would be appreciated.


Vicky Staubly       http://www.steeds.com/vicky/        vi...@steeds.com

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