You might want to join one of the Yahoo groups that deal with that kind of question. One example is the "vintageturntable" group <> or <>, etc.

The general consensus among most folks on the various lists is that the new "USB read" turntables in the $75-100 range are pretty much junk and not worth spending money on. Also, from my own experience, finding a recent model turntable that can handle all three speeds is nearly impossible (the same stylus used in the tone arm cartridge for LP's and 45's is not suitable for 78's). My solution is to have an older but good quality turntable for LP's and 45's and another much older one for 78's. You also need to have a slightly different connection for stereo records and monaural records - the two channels have to be combined on the monaural records to capture the entire range of the music.

Feel free to contact me off-line <> to discuss this further...


David Turk wrote:
We're thinking about purchasing a turntable for digital conversion
for some of our records. Ideally, it would have 33, 45 & 78 rpm
speeds (we've got some really old records).  We've been using
Audacity for our reel-to-reel tapes, & it's been fine.  Any
suggestions?  tia.


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