Come off it.

It is done all the time.

Many companies use similar ad marketing techniques to get customers into their doors. Everyone is trying to come up with an Ipod killer. Us Car Manufacturers are imitating their import cousins to see how they do it so they can do it better.

Right now Apple has a good track record and has done many things right. So many companies are looking to them to see how to do it.

That is reality.

I am not saying a company should not have an R&D group, but they very often will be taking apart and looking over stuff that is successful to see how to do it better.

For every Tom Edison, their are 100,000 Joe blows working R&D.

I read an article the other day that said that the developer of Itunes almost did not work at Apple. He worked for someone else and they were not interested in developing what latter became Itunes.


At 11:35 AM 11/23/2009, you wrote:
Not so flattering in business, especially when the larger competitor
does it.  M$ also seem to be increasing their copying of Apple.  Copying
Apple for Windows (admitting this just gat a VP slapped-down), Zune,
Stores.  I would not be surprised to see Ballmer imitating Jobs' attire.
If Apple turned a tight corner, would M$' neck snap?

Thank you,

Mark Snyder

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