You don't throw a drowning man a sandwich.

We like to pontificate when we really should be helping.

I donate extra computer equipment all the time. I give away computers when I can to the right people.

They do not care if it is a Mac or a PC as long as it works and they can work.


At 07:06 PM 11/28/2009, you wrote:
Oh, I agree that one must snatch the baby and save grandma. If you are willing to actually help the people, then go ahead and wave the ethical banner all you want. But, if grandma is in a burning house, it doesn't help her to tell her she should not have been in the house because it was made of non-renewable wood. Or telling a starving child that he shouldn't eat that corn because it was produced with pesticides. Unless you are willing to help that child, you cannot afford to wag your finger. That's what I said. Believe me, I have seen plenty of dire poverty and starvation up close to know that those who are starving don't need sermons on ethics, but assistance. You are talking about assisting these people (saving grandma), and I have no quarrel with that.

A person living on Rs 2/day (about 4 cents) in India typically has one meal of rice every two days. No matter how ethical he is, he "cannot afford to be ethical" in those circumstances. Telling him that it is unethical to eat genetically-modified rice, even if that is all he can get, is a sure way to let him die. Yet, there are people who'd rather that such poor people die than allow GM rice to be available. These that the flag-wavers I was talking about. Should I be on the side of such flag wavers? In your words, "hell no". Let there be enough food so that there is no need to grow GM foods, then talk about getting the GM stuff out of the food supply. This requires sufficient income for people so that they have a choice. Would it surprise you to know that the poor often have equally good ethics as those who are better off?

I prefer to be on the side of those who would raise the lot of the poor so that they can actually exercise their ethics. First, find that starving person some ethically grown food. Raise his standard of living so that he can exercise his ethics. Then you are welcome to criticize him if he still goes for the GM stuff. Your examples of those rushing to snatch the baby and save grandma are examples of people who would help first. I hope that most rational people would do the same.

I hope you now understand what I meant when I said "cannot afford to be ethical". It was shorthand for those in such dire straights that they have no time for ethics. Should a person not work at WalMart if it results in his family becoming homeless due to a lack of a job? Fortunately for me, I earn enough so that that is not a question I need worry about: I don't patronize WalMart. But I don't believe in being patronizing to those who would patronize WalMart, unless I am willing to actually do something, as opposed to talking about, it. Dictators who starve their people (North Korea, Zimbabwe, etc.) know that a starving man is too busy surviving to care about what is being done to others, let alone be able to do something about ousting the dictator. Yes, there are some who rise above that and create resistance to the abusive rule, but there are very few who succeed in the dictator's lifetime. If North Korea sends food that it has kept from its own starving people to Sudan, should a starving Sudanese man not eat it because it would be unethical? That man doesn't really care where the food came from and "cannot afford to be ethical". You and I can afford to care about where the food came from. But what are you and I going to do about it? That's the question.


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