He mis-spoke. "Dongle" is a term used for software anti-piracy
devices. What he meant to ask is if you used a USB wifi receiver.

On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 9:17 PM, Marcio <m...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> What is exactly a USB Wifi dongle?
> Marcio
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: tjpa <t...@tjpa.com>
>>Sent: Nov 28, 2009 9:25 AM
>>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Please
>>On Nov 27, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Marcio wrote:
>>> I gave up trying to connect my laptop to the network where I have a
>>> desktop connected to a Epson Printer (network).
>>Oh, the joys of having a PeeCee. I would not give up so quickly as
>>that is really your best option. Have you tried getting a USB WiFi
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