Another quote from the article which is as revealing:

"Of course, 30 people is so small a sample as to be almost negligible --
there are thousands of Android developers who have built more than 15,000
apps -- but if the trend holds true acrosss the majority of apps makers,
it's very disturbing. "

All things in the article on the face may be true, but the effect has not
been a lack of android apps that's for certain.  The android platform is
much harder to develop for because there is no single OS being driven on a
single device.  Although there are 3 iterations of iPhone also out there, a
problem I have myself when looking at apps is that some won't run on the
version I have.

I don't think in the future Android has anything to worry about, the
platform is taking off and shows no signs of slowing, multiple devices,
multiple networks has distinct advantages over iPhone.  But as Apple knows
from it's small market share in computers, Android doesn't need to be number
one to succeed.

Something else to keep in mind, the eweek article points to more than 15,000
apps for android, according to google just in may of 2009 there were only
4,900 applications.  So in less than six months, the number of apps has
tripled.  Seems odd if you believe that the developers are all unhappy as
the article is trying to suggest.  The numbers don't match.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:19 PM, tjpa <> wrote:

> Survey reveals the deep misery of Apple iPhone developers...
> "Android developers were making peanuts compared to Apple's iPhone apps
> developers"
> "68% of those surveyed are somewhat or not likely to put further work into
> their apps"
> "In other words, they may go where the big money is -- Apple's iPhone."
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