I've had fine experiences in mixed and non mixed environments.  I'm
wondering...how would the scientists run their software on machines that
didn't run their software?  This is precisely my point, this point has
nothing to do with windows or os x.  Did they fire everyone and replace the
machines with windows and let them sit there?

One of the local community colleges here runs it's entire IT department by
itself...they build machines, service machines, install the
os...everything.  This has saved them immense amounts of money.  Another
community college buys their machines from Dell and Apple, there is a push
from some in the IT department to go wholly mac..there is no push to go all
windows.  The windows machines are locked down and haven't had a trojan or
virus in years.  The backend is novell, so they are crazy either way.  Part
of the problems at the doctors offices where I have more experience is
they've been running windows for almost ten years.  The specialized software
they run which is VERY expensive, may now run on mac os, probably not..but
they are still using machines just fine from 3-8 years ago.  We had dells
that were five years old that ran fine.  Moving six hundred users from pc to
mac would have been a years long task unless we just dumped perfectly good
machines, not to mention retraining...etc, etc.  It's not as easy as Tom
would have people believe.  My point isn't that there are no IT managers who
are biased, but that I don't think the whole IT field is as underhanded as
Tom would have people believe.  IT managers also don't control costs, many
CFO's don't look years ahead to see what the TCO might be in a decade if
they revamp the entire network.  The TCO isn't IT...blame the bankers, or
whomever.  Perhaps his experience is just with bad IT managers, the two main
ones I worked with came in from the ground level, hardware hobbyists who
self taught and were certified later, I find these types of IT managers to
be much better than those who get certified and pushed out in the field with
no experience.

In the end...I like macs, I've bought em, used em, fixed them.  Whatever

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:45 PM, b_s-wilk <b1sun...@yahoo.es> wrote:

> My friends who are scientists at a large [unnamed] chemical company in
> Delaware were doing research using Macs. Then IT said they wouldn't
> support Macs any more. Wouldn't buy replacements when they requested
> more powerful computers. Everybody had to use Windows, even though the
> software they used didn't run on Windows. Several brought their own Macs
> to work and locked them away at night.
> It's one of many stories.
> How about the people who are using Linux in their labs with NO outside
> support [that could be a good thing]? Research labs use whatever OS does
> the job best, but the Windows-dominated IT departments throw up
> roadblocks instead of cooperating.
> Mike, perhaps you've had better experience in mixed environments?
>  Case in point of rabid mac fan bois...
>> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 11:51 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:
>>  > On Dec 18, 2009, at 1:20 PM, mike wrote:
>>> >
>>>> >> I've been around enough IT managers and departments to know that this
>>>> is
>>>> >> not
>>>> >> some huge conspiracy, it is only the mac faithful who believe they
>>>> are
>>>> >> locked out of business because of IT departments trying to secure
>>>> jobs.
>>>> >> This is ridiculous..I'm not saying it never happens, but it's not
>>>> rampant.
>>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > It is rampant. Corporate IT fights tooth and nail to keep Macs out so
>>> that
>>> > there will be no basis for comparison. In corporations that do have a
>>> mix
>>> > the difference in the number of support people per user is huge.
>>> >
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