> In fact there's really no news here. As the articles state, we're down
> to 1 in 5 households that only have a landline, and that number is
> dropping all the time. When, not if.

The 1 in 5 stat looks like FUD to me.

That's B.S. The United States doesn't have the broadband or cellular capacity to eliminate land lines [and it doesn't need to steal from TV bandwidth either]. Early on, corporations decided to make incompatible systems instead of a series of nationwide roaming networks. They also didn't want gummint interference, only our tax dollars to whatever they pleased.

The key word is ONLY. Most people who have their own homes have a land line PLUS cellular. It's not either/or. There's not enough bandwidth for everyone to get rid of land lines. There's not enough reliability for everyone to switch from land lines to cellular or VOIP. Might work in the city or inner 'burbs, but there's a lot of the country where it would be a real hardship to lose land lines, whether or not they own/use mobile phones or VOIP.

When was the last time you had to use VOIP during a power failure, even one that lasted only a few hours? Or FIOS when power is out long enough for the batteries to die? Have you ever tried to use a mobile phone during an emergency like a hurricane? They often don't work or connections are sporadic because everyone is tying up the network.

Verizon land lines work well. Thanks Verizon.

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