Well, they could talk about technologies that aren't widely available to the general public. I'd be happy to discuss high bandwidth solutions.

That's not exactly their mission, though. It's a fact that they aren't going to discuss what I offer. It's way too expensive for anyone but big business and government to attempt.

It's just as well that they discuss consumer technology. Mostly what I can offer isn't really relevant to the original ideas of the Computer Guys.

Yes, I can still tell y'all about how the network operates. From dialup to optical carrier. I can't tell you anything about wireless, that's not my specialty.

I can tell y'all about how to build a computer, set up a network, and do the other things.

But I couldn't run an Iphone if my life depended on it.

Well maybe I could.  But I don't see it happening.

Maybe that network space is where the show needs to be. That is certainly where the listeners are, OK.

I'm sure you've seen my rants on MP3 and my general disagreements on low-resolution audio. That pretty much sums it up as far as the current radio show is concerned.

The issues as I see it are that it is possible to do much more. If you will accept low quality you have already compromised yourself into a position that is unacceptable.

Betty and others will say that I'm responsible for this. As the phone company. But I'm not. YOU determine the quality of service that you get.

I'm your friends and neighbors. Just the same usual people you see in the grocery store or on the street. Regular Americans.

It would be hard to believe that we didn't work harder for you than we do.

Ask me another question.  This one is too hard.

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