On Jan 6, 2010, at 9:40 AM, mike wrote:
You eat out? Give your credit card or visa debit to the waitress making 2+tips an hour? Drive through at jack or mcds and give the card to the kid making 8 bucks an hour? Not to mention all the people who get their CC numbers etc stolen by hackers at the bank level. I'm not sure I'd say Mint
is the point of weakness.

Yes and no. Yes, the waiter can do bad things with your credit card. Yet if you have ever left your credit card behind you will discover that they usually go to great lengths to protect your card and get it back to you promptly. If these were dishonest people they would be in a different line of work, perhaps stock brokers or TV evangelists.

The credit card companies are very good at spotting fraud. I had one stolen and they spotted it within an hour. Yet when I shop in the same places they somehow know that the transaction is legitimate. You also get to review your credit card bill before it is paid and you can weed out any bogus charges.

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