Would be hard to prove it.

Secondly with the short warranties on these things you are usually just past the warranty when you change out your first toner.

When we got ours I got extended warranty plus ordered a hi yield cart.

The first one lasted about 6 mos.  The hi yields last about 9-10 mos.

Nothing was ever said when we had to swap ours out twice with the toner carts. Matter of fact they want you to take it out before you ship the old one back.

The only guarantee the OEM toners give you is that it will work with your machine. Same one the generic folks give you.

Like I said with both of the ones I mentioned they will ship you out a replacement for any bad one you get. No questions asked.

My caveat with any generic seller, check out their reviews with someone. Some of these companies sell junk. Also you want rebuilds at a bare minimum. Not refills. Rebuilds replace wearable parts.


At 07:14 PM 1/9/2010, you wrote:
So would  using a refurb/generic void the warranty?  Can't find mine.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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