Constance, I am not a professional but very much an amateur.

I have some very good SLR's but at this point cant afford a DSLR.

However even professionals used point and shoots and even Polaroids to do pre work.

My dad (whose old exackta I have) even had point and shoots for the everyday stuff. A DSLR is for good work.

I get a kick out of the folks who run around with DSLR's. It is a status symbol or like bling to them, it does not make their picture taking any better.


At 01:38 AM 1/18/2010, you wrote:
Compact digital cameras: here's a news flash: not everyone can afford
the latest multi-megapixel digital SLR with a lens as long as your
forearm.  A moderately-priced point-and-shoot will let you do serious
photography on a budget.  And if you only want snapshots of your
vacation to email to your homeys, a compact digital camera will do
the job just as well as a large, expensive SLR.
As someone who grew up in a family with a couple of dozen cameras
around the house at all times--my dad was a professional
photographer--I can tell you that this guy definitely doesn't know
what he is talking about.

--Constance Warner

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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