I found out two days ago my ISP...Qwest...has an excessive use policy.  I
apparently hit it but they will not tell me what the bandwith was.  They
won't even hint.  They claim on their website that anyone doing  for example
340 gigs of hulu watching is 'excessive'.  Yeah, I think so too...I also
know I wasn't doing that.  But according them, 300 gigs a month is
excessive...but 2 gigs a month is normal.  Seems like a pretty wide path
between those two.  On top of that this is 1.3mbit DSL...this in and of
itself almost makes it impossible to abuse a connection.

I updated my router with the newer version of DDWRT with built in usage
reports, I'll see what I'm using.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 8:13 PM, t.piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/21/technology/personaltech/21basics.html?8cir&emc=cir
> Points out where to find different tests that test different kinds of
> things.
> Also notes that some ISPs will throttle you back after a few seconds of
> file transfer. That favors loading web pages over file transfers.
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