On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 11:16 PM, t.piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Jan 24, 2010, at 11:01 PM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
>>  Completely useless?  How so?  How does he feel about the experience?
> No I'm not going there. If you think learning to load film into a developing
> tank is a useful skill, you are going to have to defend it.

  Let's not begin by suggesting that loading developing tanks is the
only skill associated with film worthy of mention.  Can't you think of
anything about working with film that is of use in digital

  I can tell you that knowing what images captured on film can look
like, as well as techniques used in the darkroom and what those
techniques accomplish, is extremely useful knowledge in the world of
digital photography.  After all, digital photography is, for the most
part, an attempt to mimic film and is typically measured against what
can be achieved with that older medium.  Obsolete in the eyes of many,
film remains the gold standard in the art of photography.  Film has
advantages over digital, and if one is familiar with those advantages
by way of experience gained by using film, that knowledge can
influence and guide a digital photographer to do better work.

  I've been around loads of people who take pictures, pros as well as
amateurs, back in the heyday of film as well as today in the digital
world.  Folks who shot film, even those folks who only took snapshots,
knew and understood a lot more about what they were doing back in the
day than do most digital shooters of today.  For instance, they
understood and could therefore anticipate over and under exposure,
they knew about depth of field and how to use it to good effect, and
they knew about the various film size formats and what was best for
certain occasions.  Most digital shooters don't have a clue about any
of that stuff, will never take their camera off the "Auto" setting,
and will let the camera make every decision about every shot they ever


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