It still doesn't do what I want.

I was hoping for an Apple notebook, with easy connectivity to my other Macs via Firewire or USB. I bought a Brand X mini notebook a couple of years ago and was disappointed by the keyboard, which was built for Lilliputians, and by a somewhat tortured method of transferring text from one machine to another. From Apple, I wanted a notebook-type device with the fit and finish of a Mac and with easy interconnectivity with other Apple products. I'm not sure how the iPad links with regular [Mac] computers, and I'm disappointed that it doesn't have a USB port--it's very awkward when you have to email large text documents from one computer to another. Sneakernet via flash-drive is a marvel of convenience compared to that.

At least you can get a keyboard for it, even if it doesn't have the revolutionary on-screen touchable keyboard it was rumored to have.

Oh, well, maybe next year. Since I'm still looking for a job, I don't have the money to buy an expensive auxiliary device right now anyway.

--Constance Warner

P.S.: and the name iPad is a gift to satirists and comedians everywhere. WHAT were they THINKING???

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