As it was snowing here in the DC area last night, I tuned to Channel
9 at 11pm to see what they were reporting.  Lo and behold they had, as
usual, someone out in the weather.  A reporter was on the scene, out
in the show, pointing out how treacherous things may be getting.
Nearing the end of her short piece, she pulls out a digital
thermometer as says that she is going to take a temperature reading
just to let viewers see how bad things are getting (actually, it was
not really all that bad, but as we know, TV has to hype things up.)
She points the digital thermometer toward the ground and the camera
zooms in to get a close look at the digital display.  Amazingly, the
thermometer is reading 16 degrees F.  I say to myself, "How can that
possibly be."  I live miles to the west where it is always colder and
it is but 30 degrees, and the on-screen temperature display as
provided by the TV station next to their logo says 32 degrees.  No
correction or mention is made about the glaring disparity, so I was
left to wonder about just what the heck that was all about.


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