At 04:06 PM 3/1/2010, you wrote:
When the Commandments were delivered, there were no nations surrounding them. The were in the desert for 40 years.

     Jews in the desert. Oy!
Yeah and not even finding oil.  :-)

(Such as the bumper stickers down here, live the 10 commandments.)

Which is entirely and insultingly un-American, since (despite the clear respective intents and spirits of the free exercise and establishment clauses) it posits that others should abide by the religious beliefs and practices of the bumper sticker owner, rather than their own, if any.

Note I don't agree with it either as I live under the Gospel and not the law. Such that I am supposed to live under the government and law that is given. As long as it allows me to believe and worship as God has called me. So far that has not been a huge problem.

Instead they were a covenant between a people and a king

I don't recall there being any kings in the desert for 40 years, Stewart. Please refresh my memory.


God was supposed to be there King but they did note even get that right either.


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