On NPR last week on what I believe is Tech Friday show? they interviewed spokespeople from the company in Scotland and they discussed this.

It was neat.


At 07:01 PM 3/2/2010, you wrote:
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 4:41 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> As some of you may know, movie critic Roger Ebert lost his voice to cancer
> about 8 years ago. Today he was on Oprah showing off his new synthesized
> voice that sounds a lot like his old voice. Quite an emotional moment.
> He writes about it here
> http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100226/PEOPLE/100229986
> The Oprah video should be online too.
> He, of course, does this all with his Mac laptop.

  He is also blessed by virtue of having a huge number of hours of his
voice available from having been recorded for all those years that he
hosted that movie review show,  That is what made the synthesis
possible to the best of my knowledge.  That means of synthesis,
perhaps more accurately called sampling, is what has been used many
times to assemble phrases that appear on the surface to have been
uttered by a famous personality who has a voice that is easily

  I have a recording by a British group called "Black Grape" wherein
Ronald Reagan's voice has been used to assemble a number of phrases
and spoken passages that have him talking all about how he wants to
legalize marijuana and how his wife is hooked on heroin.  It is so
well done that one would swear that Reagan himself was actually caught
on an open mike saying that stuff.  But, again, that was possible due
to the enormous amount of recorded audio that was available for use, a
la the Ebert situation.


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