On 03/12/2010 03:06 PM, John Emmerling wrote:
> What real purpose does tinyurl really serve nowadays?  Don't
> up-to-date mail readers handle URLs of any arbitrary length with no
> problem?

No, they don't, in fact many wrap at 72 characters. Actually tinyurls
and similar services can be safer with preview features than a supposed
safe looking URL with a hidden link.

Of course the safest approach is not to click on links from folks you do
not know.  I suggest that few have gotten burned either with a tinyurl
or the entire link on this list regardless of how adversarial things
become.  Besides once someone on this list does burn others, that
individual's reputation is shot, so if for example I use some browser
like "links" or turn off script running in browsers and only use
non-privileged accounts with browsers any threat is limited indeed.  My
habit of using Linux also makes things aimed at Windows weaknesses less
of a problem too.

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