Tom most governmental positions that are not controlled by Civil Service law are filled with pols frat boys and sorority sisters.

That is how government works, unfortunately.

I cant remember how many positions that are filled when a new administration comes in, but it is huge.

I just read an article on the governments response to Haiti and it was mildly critical on how it all operated.

It took just over 2 weeks for the government to declare a medical emergency (Cant remember correct term) for the evacuation of the injured from Haiti, and it only did so when pressed by Florida when it began dumping all the patients on Florida's hospitals.

Does not sound like they have their act together that much better than the Bush administration. But that is not untypical for government.

In a parliamentary system all minsters plus the prime minister are part of the system that makes laws and votes on them. plus there are weekly question periods.

I loved to listen to the Canadian parliaments question session, quite interesting.

What I am getting at is that they tend to be a little more responsive to stuff as they are constantly in the thick of it, and not one step removed. (and another secret, most of the good work is done behind the scenes by regular civil service types, permanent employees not appointees.)


At 07:38 PM 3/15/2010, you wrote:
No, it isn't always. When government agencies get packed with pols and
frat boys you don't have the experience and intelligence necessary to
do a good job. I have watched it happen from close range. I worked for
12 years on environmental policy. Yes, I saw some very poorly drafted
regulations. But I also watched the regulations get revised year after
year getting better and better. Eventually they were getting almost
everything right. Then the administration changed and wingnuts took
over again. The hunted down the smart people, transferred them,
demoted them, gave them busy work, etc. Key positions got filled by
pols and frat boys who deliberately destroyed the hard work that had
been done. It was very sad. I really do mean it when I call these
wingnuts traitors and terrorists.

I see the current administration being unusually adept at putting good
people in key positions. In particular I see them getting things right
with IT and communications technology. I don't think your expectation
of poor performance is warranted.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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