rleesimon <rleesi...@gmail.com> escribió:

Cellular internet in Belgium is around $90/mo and only around major cities
do you get 3g ...the land line internet is around $60/mo with basic TV
(around 50 channels) and is "DSL speed" ...not that fast ...it is transited
over the phone lines ...now they are saying it is bumped to 4down1up for
only $2 more a month ...we'll see...

I can get a prepaid SIM card for 3G data from Vodafone in Spain, 250 MB, 29 euros; 400 MB, 49 euros. Fits in phone or PC card adapter for notebooks. Good for basic surfing while traveling. For phones with WiFi, the basic 3G service is all you need. Haven't been in Belgium since before mobiles. Home broadband is cheaper in France.

Cellular internet in many countries is with prepaid cards, not monthly plans, and is often cheaper that way. Home service is usually cheaper by the month, depending on the country.

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