"Eric S. Sande" <esa...@verizon.net> escribió:

On the downlink. On the uplink the speed is typically 1/10 of that as  the 
providers have found yet another excuse for charging their  customers extra if 
they want symmetric service.

Not really.  Most of the traffic is server to client, not vice-versa.  It's
a well accepted transport architecture.  France Telecom/Orange is
widely regarded as being one of the highest market penetration
providers in Europe, yet they are mostly ADSL.  Asymmetric, in
other words,  not SDSL.


Thanks for the link Eric. Proves my points completely. Only difference is that the monthly charge for broadband is less than half as much as it was when I looked a year ago. Orange UK charges £9.00 per month for 20Mbps service [plus around and extra £9-10 line rental].

Consider that the UK pound is the equivalent currency to Brits as the US dollar is to us. In many cases the US dollar can buy more in the US than the UK pound can buy in the UK. Electronic communication services however--cellular and broadband--are at least 5X more costly here than in the UK.

Why? They have regulation and competition. We don't. We have barely regulated monopolies.

I'd be thrilled to pay £9.00 for month for 20Mbps broadband, even if I'd have to pay it in US dollars. Today's rate: 9.00 GBP = 13.7698 USD. I'll pay twice that at $27.54!

YES! We need Orange US!

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