Too true you could stream quite a few car-b-ques on that fast network.
Haven't ever heard of 30,000 cars getting torched in LA or Miami or The


You probably weren't around when DC, Philly, Newark, Detroit, LA were burning during the riots of the 60s and 70s.

But if you were, and filmed it, you could broadcast those today very cheaply, on fast broadband, but not so cheaply on overpriced US networks.

Burning cars in rough neighborhoods has nothing to do with FIOS or broadband or digital TV, anyway. What's your point in foolishly trashing Europeans? Don't you know that NATO [Europeans, mostly French] gave the east coast of the US protection with air support after 9/11, until March 2002? It's another distraction that you and too many other Americans fall for, like the unnecessarily fearful people in Arizona.

Get back to the broadband/TV topic.


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