Rimon Barr schrieb:
> Hi Thomas,
> I noticed your new comtypes 0.4 release from Friday, which includes
> not only my patch, but a complete revamping of the safearray
> implementation. Thank you! I'm going to try it next week. With this
> new safearray support, I can likely get a particular COM piece of my
> system to work without requiring C++ or C#.

> In the meantime, I noticed something that I believe is a bug with how
> COM properties are mapped to object attributes... If you run the
> following code, it should display the problem:
>   import comtypes, comtypes.client
>   xl=comtypes.client.CreateObject('Excel.Application')
>   xl.Visible=1  # (1)
>   xl.Workbooks.Add()
>   r=xl.Range['A1:B1']
>   r.Value    # (2)
>   r.Value()  # (3)
>   r.Value=1  # (4)
> Basically, this is equivalent to code in the Excel test case:
> http://svn.python.org/projects/ctypes/trunk/comtypes/comtypes/test/test_excel.py
> Incidentally, the test case fails on my system. Perhaps it runs fine on yours.
This code worked for me when I had Office 97 installed, but it also fails
for me now that I have Office 2003.

> Line (1) displays how properties should work, and it does work for
> me. Assigning to Python object attribute, updates the corresponding
> COM property. Line (2) should read the contents of the range of
> cells. But, it doesn't. Instead, I get an instance of a
> bound_named_property. Line (3) works, by calling the getter. But, why
> is it mapped this way? I think it's inconsistent, and I prefer
> behaviour (1) to (3). Furthermore, the assignment in line (4) simply
> overwrites the attribute, and has no COM effect.

The reason that the code does not work with the newer office is the following:

In Office 97, 'Value' was a simply property of the Range object.  With simple
I mean that the property did not take any arguments. (The LCID parameter is 
let us ignore it)

In Office 2003, 'Value' is a property that take an optional parameter named 

Here is an excerpt from the generated typelib module:

    COMMETHOD(['propget'], HRESULT, 'Value',
              ( ['in', 'optional'], VARIANT, 'RangeValueDataType' ),
              ( ['in', 'lcid'], c_int, 'lcid', _lcid ),
              ( ['retval', 'out'], POINTER(VARIANT), 'RHS' )),

The possible values for 'RangeValueDataType' are these:

# values for enumeration 'XlRangeValueDataType'
xlRangeValueDefault = 10
xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet = 11
xlRangeValueMSPersistXML = 12

So, in VB you can probably write something like

   v = ...Range("A1:B1").Value

and VB will call the propget accessor with no arguments.
This code will probably have the same effect:

   v = ...Range("A1:B1").Value(xlRangeValueDefault)

Using one of the other xlRange... constants will return
the contents as XML text (I tried this).

All this because in VB there is not really a difference between method calls
and property accesses AFAIU.

In Python/comtypes, things are different.

Long ago I decided that I wanted to access COM properties by using
indexing syntax in Python.  So, to access a parameterless COM property,
one would write

   v = ...Range["A1:B1"].Value
   ...Range["A1:B1"].Value = xyz

To access a COM property that requires parameters, one would write

   v = ....Range["A1:B1"].Value[a, b, c]

The consequence, of course, is that there is no way to pass named
parameters to a property access (there is no Python syntax for that).
I guess we have to live with that.

To access a property with optional parameters, we have to use indexing
with NO parameters.  Unfortunately, this is not valid Python syntax:


but this is (it will pass an empty tuple to the __getitem__ method):


Indeed, the test_excel.py unittests work when we change the code accordingly.
The following code has the same effect, because apparently passing 
is the same as passing nothing:


If we can live with the above, fine.  If not, ONE possibility that I see
would be that comtypes creates additional setter and getter functions for the
'Value' property, maybe called _setValue(...) and _getValue(...).


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