I'm happy to announce the 0.6.2 comtypes release:


Here are the release notes:

        comtypes 0.6.2 released.

Summary of important changes:

        - Several bug fixes for COM event handlers implemented in Python.

        - Allow typelib wrappers that (wrongly?) contain

        - DllCanUnloadNow() always returns S_FALSE in comtypes inproc
        COM servers.

        - The COM interfaces IViewObject, IViewObject2, and
        IViewObjectEx in the new module comtypes.viewobject.


Detailed changelog since version 0.6.0:

2010-01-15  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Bumped version number to 0.6.2.

        * CoUninitialize() returns nothing, not HRESULT.

2009-12-22  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Bug fixes for event handlers implemented in Python.

2009-12-11  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * COM servers implemented in Python can now fire events; it did
        not work in some cases.

        * When an exception occurs in a COM event handler, a traceback is

2009-11-26  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Allow typelib wrappers that contain 'SAFEARRAY(VARIANT*)'
        parameter types to be imported.  Calling these methods will fail,

2009-11-13  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * To avoid a memory leak when PyInitialize()/PyUninitialize() are
        called several times, return S_FALSE from inproc server's

2009-11-05  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * COMObject subclasses can now implement a _final_release_()
        method to free up resources, for example.  This method is called
        when the COM reference count reaches zero.

        * Implement __hash__ method in dynamic dispatch classes.  This
        fixes a 'python -3' warning.

        * comtypes\safearray.py: When numpy is not installed, creating
        safearrays took a very long time.  This is fixed now.

        * comtypes\test\test_server.py: New way to test COM client and
        server.  Work in progress.

2009-10-22  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Support broken COM objects that provide IProvideClassInfo2, but
        not IProvideClassInfo (although the latter is derived from the
        former).  See

        * Fixed a regression from the 0.4 version, [out] parameters didn't
        accept pointers or arrays any longer. Thanks again to Michael

2009-10-19  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Fix a memory leak in Python COM servers.  Thanks to Michael
        Eddington for the patch.

2009-10-02  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * comtypes\test\test_server.py: Start a better approach to test
        both COM object calls and COM object implementations.

2009-09-09  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Fix returning SAFEARRAY of VT_RECORDs.  Based on a patch from
        Eduardo Arias.

        * New module comtypes.viewobject, contains the interfaces
        IViewObject, IViewObject2, IViewObjectEx.  IAdviseSink is faked.

        * Change version number to 0.6.2dev.

2009-09-04  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * CoTaskMemFree does not return a HRESULT.  Patch from James Teh.

2009-08-19  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Bumped version number to 0.6.1.

2009-08-07  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * When an interface was specified in the call to
        IClassObject.CreateInstance, return that instead of calling
        GetBestInterface.  Patch from James Teh.

2009-08-04  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Added comtypes.CoGetClassObject() low-level function,
        comtypes.client.GetClassObject() high-level function, and
        implemented a pythonic interface to IClassFactory's CreateInstance

            def CreateInstance(self,

        * Added the 'dynamic=False' parameter to the
        comtypes.client.CoGetObject and comtypes.client.GetActiveObject
        functions.  Suggested by James Teh.

2009-06-17  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * comtypes.automation: Support VT_I8 and VT_UI8 SAFEARRAYs.

        * comtypes._comobject: Restore compatibility with Python 2.3.

        * Add the comtypes.IServiceProvider interface.  Based on a patch
        from Michael Curran.

2009-04-30  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Change version number in repository to

        * Replace the VARIANTEnumerator implementation class in
        comtypes.server.automation with a new one which should actually be

        * A completely new way how localserver and inproc server instances
        are managed:

                A comtypes.LocalServer or comtypes.InprocServer instance
                is attached to the comtypes.COMObject class at runtime.

                These changes keep localserver running as long as
                COMObject instances are alive.

2009-04-29  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * comtypes.errorinfo.ReportException now takes an additional
        'stacklevel' named argument.

        * Add E_OUTOFMEMORY hresult code.

        * Register the InprocServer32 only when running as script or
        py2exe dll, not when running as py2exe exe server.
2009-04-25  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * SAFEARRAYs can now also be created from multi-dimensional numpy

2009-04-23  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Change version number in repository to

        * SAFEARRAYs can now also be created from array.array objects, and
        from (one-dimensional) numpy arrays.  This is a lot faster than
        creating them from Python lists or tuples, at least for large

        * ctypes instances like c_int, c_ubyte, and so on can now be
        assigned to VARIANT().value.  This allows to force creation of
        VARIANTs with the corresponding typecodes V_I4, VT_UI1 and alike.

        * Accept typelibs that contain SAFEARRAY(char).

2009-03-17  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Fixed the return type of ITypeLib::ReleaseTLibAttr, which is
        documented wrongly in MSDN.  The return type is void, not HRESULT.
        Reported to cause crashes on Windows 7.

2009-01-29  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Restore compatibility with Python 2.3.
        * comtypes\client\_code_cache.py: Add missing 'import types' in


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