I'm trying to call a third party library with comtypes automation. It
could seem that I have some problems to get the parameters passed into
the method right. In the documentation the "Validate" method is
described to recive an "array of strings" in the 'ItemIDs' argument.
The gen-cached signature is shown below:

    COMMETHOD([dispid(1610743822), helpstring(u'Validates a set of
item ids without adding them to the collection.')], HRESULT,
              ( ['in'], c_int, 'NumItems' ),
              ( ['in'], POINTER(_midlSAFEARRAY(BSTR)), 'ItemIDs' ),
              ( ['out'], POINTER(_midlSAFEARRAY(c_int)), 'Errors' ),
              ( ['in', 'optional'], VARIANT, 'RequestedDataTypes' ),
              ( ['in', 'optional'], VARIANT, 'AccessPaths' )),

I have tried (and searched for) a large number of variants to build
the 'ItemIDs' argument, including:

grp.Validate(1, ['Test.tag'])  #Naive - did not expect this to work

arr = _midlSAFEARRAY(comtypes.BSTR)
grp.Validate(1, x)    #nope
grp.Validate(1, pointer(x))   #no - not this one either

They all return:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
COMError: (-2147024809, 'The parameter is incorrect.', (None, None,
None, 0, None))

Are there any suggestions what I could do about this?

I also have a similar problem in another method where I need to pass
an array of integers, defined as:

              ( ['in'], POINTER(_midlSAFEARRAY(c_int)), 'ServerHandles' ),

For this argument I've tried array.array('x', (...)) where x is
'i','l','I', and 'L', as well as other ways to build this parameter
without any success. Suggestions would be most helpful.

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