Hi dear community,

I am trying to use INetCfg from python using comtypes

After hours of research, finally I am able to create its TLB file and use
it in the following unittest code.

import unittest
from comtypes import GUID
from comtypes.client import GetModule, CreateObject, CoGetObject
from comtypes.gen._D99085FF_C5D7_4A4C_A987_91A513E268A9_0_1_0 import *

CLSID_CNetCfg = GUID('{5B035261-40F9-11D1-AAEC-00805FC1270E}')
IID_INetCfg = GUID('{C0E8AE93-306E-11D1-AACF-00805FC1270E}')
IID_DevClassNet = GUID('{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}')
IID_INetCfgClass = GUID('{C0E8AE97-306E-11D1-AACF-00805FC1270E}')

class TestNetinf(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_comtypes(self):
        netcfg = CreateObject(CLSID_CNetCfg, None, None, INetCfg)
        netcfgclass = netcfg.QueryNetCfgClass(IID_DevClassNet,

But I still unable to instantiate netcfgclass. It only a function return
value, not a pointer as I expected it to be
This is the INetCfgClass implementation automatically created by comtypes:
class INetCfg(IUnknown):
    _case_insensitive_ = True
    _iid_ = GUID('{C0E8AE93-306E-11D1-AACF-00805FC1270E}')
    _idlflags_ = []
INetCfg._methods_ = [
    COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'Initialize',
              ( ['in'], c_void_p, 'pvReserved' )),
    COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'Uninitialize'),
    COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'Apply'),
    COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'Cancel'),
    COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'EnumComponents',
              ( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'pguidClass' ),
              ( ['out'], POINTER(POINTER(IEnumNetCfgComponent)),
'ppenumComponent' )),
    COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'FindComponent',
              ( ['in'], WSTRING, 'pszwInfId' ),
              ( ['out'], POINTER(POINTER(INetCfgComponent)), 'pComponent'
    COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'QueryNetCfgClass',
              ( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'pguidClass' ),
              ( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'riid' ),
              ( ['out'], POINTER(c_void_p), 'ppvObject' )),

How do I properly call QueryNetCfgClass ?
Actually, I am trying to translate the following C# code :

object objINetCfg = null;
                int nRet = 0;
                nRet = Ole32Methods.CoCreateInstance(ref
INetCfg_Guid.CLSID_CNetCfg, null, Ole32Methods.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, ref
INetCfg_Guid.IID_INetCfg, out objINetCfg);
                INetCfg netCfg = objINetCfg as INetCfg;
                nRet = netCfg.Initialize(IntPtr.Zero);
                object componet = new object();

                nRet = netCfg.QueryNetCfgClass(ref
INetCfg_Guid.IID_DevClassNet, ref INetCfg_Guid.IID_INetCfgClass, out

                INetCfgClass NetCfgClass = componet as INetCfgClass;

That's why I know that  QueryNetCfgClass return a long value, together with
that out arguments.

In case you were wondering the *.idl file, here it is. I got it also from
this mailing list:

import "netcfgx.idl";

        helpstring("NetCfgX 1.0 Type Library")
library NetCFGLib
        interface IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface;
        interface IEnumNetCfgBindingPath;
        interface IEnumNetCfgComponent;
        interface INetCfg;
        interface INetCfgProperties;
        interface INetCfgLock;
        interface INetCfgBindingInterface;
        interface INetCfgBindingPath;
        interface INetCfgComponentBindings;
        interface INetCfgBindingPath;
        interface INetCfgClass;
        interface INetCfgComponent;
        interface INetCfgIdentification;
        interface INetCfgClassSetup;

Thanks in advance for your respond!

Eko S. Wibowo
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