Hi everyone,

On behalf of the comtypes developers, I am happy to announce the release of
comtypes 1.1.0. The release can be found on PyPI:

Version 1.1.0 includes many enhancements and bug improvements over previous
versions. In particular, many latent 64-bit bugs were fixed, indexing was
homogenized across various indexable types, and a good deal of work was
done on VARIANTS and NumPy interoperability. See further below for the full
change log. The contributors to this release are Jason R. Coombs, Mark
Dickinson, Chris Farrow, and Paulo Madeira (thanks for the patch).

Since the start of this year, project development has been moved to GitHub,
and can now be found at https://github.com/enthought/comtypes. Please feel
free to use the GitHub issue tracker. (We will continue to watch this
mailing list.) We're happy to accept pull requests or patches as well.


Chris Farrow and Jason R. Coombs


Release 1.1.0

* Updated automation code to convert c_int64 and c_uint64 to VT_I8 and
  VT_UI8, respectively (#49).
* Update automation code to convert VT_DECIMAL VARIANT to Decimal type
* Fixed an undocumented bug that would lead to improper behavior when
  the ``safearray_as_ndarray`` context (#41).
* Added a license file and merged the ChangeLog into CHANGES.txt (#35, #39).
* Extended and homogenized indexing across container and named property
  interfaces (#32, #43). This introduces the ability to index with an empty
  slice, which has the same meaning as indexing with an empty tuple.
* Completed migration to ``patcher`` module (#31).
* Extended NumPy support so object and datetime64 arrays can be converted to
  VARIANT safearrays (#29).
* Extended test runner so it can be run under 32- and 64-bit Python and be
  in an automated testing system (#25, #28).
* Modified many tests so they run under 64-bit python (#21, #22, #23).
* Removed reference cycle in PumpEvents (#19).
* Fixed safearray test that would fail under NumPy 1.6 (#19).
* Project migrated to http://github.com/enthought/comtypes. Issue numbers
  refer to the new project page.

Release 1.0.0

* #27: Replaced the ``partial`` module with a ``patcher`` module. This new
  technique patches the underlying classes explicitly. This technique avoids
  the problems with the metaclass magic on Python 3.
* Officially dropped support for Python 2.5.
* #25: Allow installation on non-Windows systems.
* #31: Improved 64-bit compatibility by specifying argtypes for GetMessage.
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