
I'm hoping to find some information on using comtypes for an OPC library 
I am writing (opclib on bitbucket). So far I am using pywin32 
it is working ok other than some memory leaks that occur and the fact pywin32
has to be installed (not pip installable).  I would like to avoid both....

In trying to use comtypes as a replacement, I find that not all the return 
values are not converted as they were in pywin32.  

Here is a sample:

opc_item = opc_items.GetOPCItem(ServerHandle=item_tup.server_handle)
value, quality, timestamp = opc_item.Read(Source=source)

<comtypes.automation.LP_tagVARIANT object at 0x03380710>

The opc_item object appears to work, but when calling the method Read it
does not seem to know what the value is.  I have taken a look at the generated
python to see if I can figure out how to get the real value.  The Read
method is defined as follows in the file:

COMMETHOD([dispid(1610743825)], HRESULT, 'Read',
      ( ['in'], c_short, 'Source' ),
      ( ['out', 'optional'], POINTER(VARIANT), 'Value' ),
      ( ['out', 'optional'], POINTER(VARIANT), 'Quality' ),
      ( ['out', 'optional'], POINTER(VARIANT), 'TimeStamp' )),

I found a note somewhere on the net that said that referencing
value[0] of a variant would cause it to convert... if I try that I get:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_2.py", line 24, in <module>
  File "test_2.py", line 17, in main
  File "C:\programs\python\opclib_comtypes\opclib\client.py", line 314, in
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\comtypes\automation.py", line 198, in
    return "VARIANT(vt=0x%x, %r)" % (self.vt, self.value)
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\comtypes\automation.py", line 459, in
    raise NotImplementedError("typecode %d = 0x%x)" % (vt, vt))
NotImplementedError: typecode 10 = 0xa) 

So in short my questions are:

1) How can I get the actual values returned by the Read method?

2) If I can get that working, would comtypes be able to handle passing a 
1-based array without leaking memory as pywin32 does?

Cory Lutton

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