Nevermind, I was able to solve it using _midlSAFEARRAY, and am posting
my solution below in case anyone else is having similar difficulty
(since the mailing lists are indexed by search engines).

    import comtypes
    import ctypes

    class ScanData(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = [('mass_width', ctypes.c_double),
                    ('mass', ctypes.c_double),
                    ('charge', ctypes.c_long),
                    ('scan', ctypes.c_long)]

    def to_struct(variant, struct):
        Convert variant array of structs to tuple of structs.

            variant (VARIANT):      filled VARIANT
            struct (Structure):     struct with _fields_

        safe_array = comtypes.safearray._midlSAFEARRAY(struct)
        return ctypes.cast(variant._.pparray, safe_array).unpack()

    scandata = comtypes.automation.VARIANT()
    size = ctypes.c_long()
    handle.GetDataFromScan(scandata, size)
    items = to_struct(scandata, ScanData)

Thanks for the excellent library,

On 03/24/2016 10:34 AM, Alex Huszagh wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working with a well-documented, but proprietary DLL I would like to
> call from Python, meaning I have no ability to edit the DLL.
> The method documentation itself follows something similar to the
> following:
>     GetDataFromScan(long nScanNumber,
>     LPVARIANT pvarScanData,
>     LPLONG pnArraySize)
> Where pvarScanData is filled with ScanData structs of the similar format:
>     struct ScanData
>     {
>     double dMassWidth;
>     double dMass;
>     long nCharge;
>     long nScan;
>     };
> So far, to try to extract data from the DLL, I have tried using various
> parameters with comtypes.automation.VARIANT, with no success.
>     import comtypes
>     import ctypes
>     CLSID = '{........-....-....-....-............}'
>     handle = comtypes.client.CreateObject(CLSID)
>     scandata = comtypes.automation.VARIANT()
>     size = ctypes.c_long()
>     # response is 0 for success, > 0 for error
>     response = handle.GetDataFromScan(scandata, size)
> Now, this works when no data is returned, however, for size > 1, an
> error is returned and no data fills the variant. So I therefore looked
> to initialize the variant. I also tried throwing various parameters,
> such as `comtypes.automation.VARIANT(comtypes.automation.VT_ARRAY)`,
> however, the few I tried (VT_ARRAY, VT_UNKNOWN) all caused the method to
> fail (produce a response > 0) even when no data was returned.
> I'm wondering if there's any method to initialize the Variant with a
> method like VariantInit, and then copy the data to a numpy array using
> the comtypes safearray. Any insight would be wonderful.
> Thank you,
> Alex

Alex Huszagh
Lan Huang Laboratory
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
University of California, Irvine

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