>> On Mon, Sep 25, 2023, at 10:57 AM, John Cotton Ericson wrote:
>>> Sure. If they show up, we can definitely revert it. But what happens
>>> if they *don't* show up? What do you think in that case?
>> How long are you prepared to stick to your position? How many angry
>> e- mails are you prepared to field?
> Perhaps you are worried about a principle--agent problem where the
> angree emails don't go to this list, and persist even after the change
> is reverted? I.e. I tiptoe and do then undo a thing, while you bear
> the burden of getting the angry emails?

Yes. In the worst case, neither of us gets emails at all; the affected
people just grouse in public about how the autotools suite sucks and
its maintainers have no respect for backward compatibility.


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