
J'ai trouvé ça sur le site IBM.
J'ai essayé mais j'ai la mandrake 7.0
J'ai les mêmes problèmes qu'avant mais je me suis peut trompé quelque part.
Si ça décoince quelqu'un merci de répondre


                     1.0 What you will need
                     You will need a:

                          copy of Red Hat Linux 6.0.
                          supported hard disk drives. Click here for a list
of supported options and part numbers for your
                          supported adapter. Click here for a list of
supported options and part numbers for your server.
                          one blank diskette to create a Boot Disk (Label
it, Boot Disk .)

                     2.0 Where to download drivers/files
                     If you have experience in SCSI, hardware, and the
installation process, continue to reference
                     3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced
users . If not, continue to reference
                     4.0 Detailed installation instructions .

                     3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced
                     If you are an experience user, you need to:

                       1.Insert the Red Hat 6.0 Linux CD and start up the
                       2.At the startup prompt, press Enter . Follow the
window instructions that guide you through the
                          installation process.
                       3.At the SCSI Configuration window, the installation
program asks, "Do you have any SCSI
                          adapters?". Select "Yes" and choose "Adaptec
2740, 2840 and 2940" from the list.
                       4.At the Choose a card window, select "S3Trio 3D
(Generic VGA)" from the list of video cards. See
                          A ppendix A: Installing the VESA/Frame Buffer
Server for post-install instructions .

                     4.0 Detailed installation instructions
                     The following steps are detailed instructions to
assist you to set up the BIOS and install Red
                     Hat Linux 6.0.

                     4.1 Setting up the BIOS
                     To set up the BIOS, you need to:

                       1.Power-on the server.
                       2.Press F1 to enter "Configuration/Set-up" once the
IBM logo appears in the window.
                       3.Highlight the menu option "System Information",
select "Product Data", and press Enter . The
                          Flash EEPROM Revision Level field contains the
BIOS version. The numbers in positions 5, 6,
                          and 7 of the level are the current BIOS level
(for example, in NTKT27AUS, the BIOS level is 27A,
                          and the language is U.S. English).
                       4.Click here to verify you are at the most recent
BIOS level.
                       5.If your BIOS requires updating, click here to
download the latest level of BIOS .
                       6.Type "1000 3000 bios".
                       7.Select the latest level of BIOS.

                     NOTE : The image is a self-extracting, executable file
(under DOS or OS/2) that creates a
                     startable system BIOS flash diskette. Build the
diskette image by running the .EXE file (under
                     DOS or OS/2) and answering "Y" on the last page of the
licensing agreement. The current
                     diskette image is 00N9079.exe IBM Netfinity 1000 and
3000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette
                     version 1.27.

                     8. Start up with the BIOS diskette in the server and
answer the questions. After the BIOS
                     update is complete, you may receive a "162
Configuration has changed" error on startup;
                     ignore this message. Set-up starts and you can
continue with step 9.

                     NOTE : If you do not see the "162 Configuration has
changed" message at startup, press F1
                     to enter "Set-up" once the IBM logo appears in the

                     9. Move the highlighted selection to "Start Options"
and press Enter .
                     10. Verify that the "Startup Sequence" is set to
(change if necessary):

                          First Startup Device - CD-ROM
                          Second Startup Device - Diskette Drive 0
                          Third Startup Device - Hard Disk 0
                          Fourth Startup Device - Disabled

                     11. Press Esc twice to return to the
"Configuration/Set-up Utility" menu.
                     12. Move the highlighted selection to "Exit Set-up"
and press Enter .
                     13. At the Exit Set-up menu, select the menu option
"Yes, save and exit the Set-up Utility" and
                     press Enter .

                     4.2 Installing Red Hat Linux 6.0
                     To install Red Hat Linux 6.0, you need to:

                       1.Insert the Red Hat 6.0 Linux CD and start the
                       2.At the startup prompt, press Enter . Follow the
window instructions that guide you through the
                          installation process. Defaults may be taken
unless specified otherwise.
                       3.At the SCSI Configuration window, the installation
program asks "Do you have any SCSI
                          adapters?". Select "Yes" and choose "Adaptec
2740, 2840 and 2940" from the list.
                       4.At the Configure Mouse window, select "Generic
Mouse (PS/2)" (two-button mouse) or "Generic 3
                          Button Mouse (PS/2)"(three-button mouse)
depending on the type of mouse installed.
                       5.When you configure the network during the
installation process, the installation program
                          autodetects the on-board Intel EtherExpress Pro
100 network card. If the network card is not
                          detected, it may be because it was disabled in
the Configuration/Set-up Utility.
                       6.At the Choose a card window, select "S3Trio 3D
(Generic VGA)" from the list of video cards. If
                          necessary, this selection can be changed,
depending upon the video adapter used, after the
                          installation process. Check the Red Hat FTP or
Web site for the most recent video drivers
                          available. Currently, there is no support other
than VESA/Frame Buffer for the Accelerated
                          Graphics Port (AGP) video adapter included with
the Netfinity 1000/3000 Server. See Appendix
                          A: Installing the VESA/Frame Buffer Server for
post-install instructions .
                       7.Other installation components, such as choosing
software, setting up your startup hard disk
                          drive/file systems, and root password, are
dependent upon the specifications of your site. Consult
                          your local system administrator for details.
                       8.After the installation process is complete, press
"Ok" to restart the server and remove the CD from
                          the CD-ROM.

                     Appendix A: Installing the VESA/Frame Buffer server

                       1.After the installed system has restarted, at the
boot: prompt, type "linux text".
                       2.With the system started in command mode, login as
                       3.Mount Red Hat Linux 6.0 CD and install the frame
buffer server package as:

                     # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
                     # cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
                     # rpm -ivh XFree86-FBDev-

                     4. Save the current symbolic link by running "# mv
/etc/X11/X /etc/X11/X.old".
                     5. Create a new symbolic link by running "# ln -s
../../usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_FBDev /etc/X11/X".
                     6. Edit "/etc/lilo.conf" to add a new entry for the
frame buffer server by copying the existing
                     entry. Only add a "vga=773" line after the image line
and change the label so that it is unique
                     to other entries. The following is an example of a
kernel entry with frame buffer server


                     NOTE : Do not remove the existing entry. Do not make
any changes to the root line in the
                     new entry. The first kernel entry in "/etc/lilo.conf"
is loaded by default. 773 indicates 1024 x 768
                     pixel density with 8 bit color depth. For more
information, see
(kernel-source-2.2.5-15.i386.rpm package).

                     7. Update the master boot record and the LILO boot
loader by running "# lilo -v".
                     8. Edit "/etc/X11/XF86Config" to create a new section
entry for the frame buffer server under
                     Screen section. Copy the following example of a Screen
entry and make the necessary

                     NOTE : "xxxx" and "yyyy" depend upon predefined
strings in XF86Config. Replace "xxxx" with
                     the string following "Identifier" under "Device" in
the Graphics device section. Replace "yyyy"
                     with the string following "Identifier" under "Monitor"
in the Monitor section.

                     Section "Screen"
                     Driver "fbdev"
                     Device "xxxx"
                     Monitor "yyyy"
                     Subsection "Display"
                     Modes "default"

                     9. Reboot the system and remove media.

                     10. At the LILO boot prompt, press Tab for kernel
options or press Enter if the new kernel
                     was set as the default kernel.
                     11. After the system restarts in command mode, issue
the startx command to enter the X
                     Window system.

Emmanuel RIZZI
4, rue de l'église
03 84 25 53 25

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