Jan Crawford Greenburg has an article in today's Chicago Tribune based
on an interview with Justice O'Connor in which she talks about the U
Michigan cases -- the interview was part of the Justice's book
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Title: Chicago Tribune | O'Connor voices hope for day affirmative action not needed
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O'Connor voices hope for day affirmative action not needed
In a rare interview the day after issuing a landmark University of Michigan ruling, a key justice reflects on racial preferences, her groundbreaking career and life on the high court

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By Jan Crawford Greenburg
Washington Bureau
Published June 25, 2003

WASHINGTON -- A day after announcing the Supreme Court's most significant decision on race in a generation, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said in a rare interview Tuesday that if America provided adequate educational opportunities for young people, it could someday achieve the goal of ending affirmative action in college admissions.

Looking 25 years into the future, O'Connor said: "I hope it looks as though we don't need artificial help to fill our classrooms with highly qualified students at the graduate level."

"And if we do our job on educating young people, we can reach that goal," she said, leaving no doubt that the secrecy-shrouded court is aware of the dramatic impact its rulings can have on American life. O'Connor made the comments in a wide-ranging, 40-minute interview with the Tribune to discuss her new book.

O'Connor, who wrote Monday's landmark affirmative action opinion for a 5-4 court, also acknowledged that the decision went beyond the court's previous statements on the use of racial preferences in education.

For the first time, a majority of the court said colleges and universities could consider the race of an applicant to get a diverse student body. It upheld an admissions policy at the University of Michigan Law School, where officials used race as a "plus factor" when evaluating applicants.

O'Connor's opinion borrowed heavily from the late Justice Lewis Powell's opinion in University of California vs. Bakke, the 1978 case that had been the court's latest statement on affirmative action in education. But she said Tuesday that she was unsure whether Powell, a moderate conservative whom she deeply admired and considered a friend, would have joined it.

"He'd probably say, `Well, you may have made too much about what I had to say,'" O'Connor said, laughing at the thought. "I don't know. It was fairly consistent with the view he expressed in Bakke. If he had been here, whether he would've gone along with all of the nuances and declarations, it's hard to say."

In the Bakke case, the court struck down the admissions policy of a California medical school that had set aside 16 of 100 places for minorities. But the court could not agree on why the program was unconstitutional. Powell wrote a separate opinion, which no other justice joined, that said the Constitution allowed admissions officials to consider race as a "plus factor" in evaluating prospective students in light of a university's compelling interest in getting a diverse student body.

The next step

The court's decision Monday endorsed Powell's view but then went the next step by embracing arguments by Michigan officials, business leaders and military officers that diversity in education has meaningful benefits to students and society.

Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law School professor, said Tuesday that O'Connor's remarks "very much reflect a recognition on her part that the Powell opinion planted the seed, but the tree had to be grown."

"[Powell's opinion] set only a general outline that still needed to be fleshed out and filled in with a much more elaborate explanation of what diversity is all about and how it might be expected to achieve the goals of broadening the representation of racial minorities," Tribe said.

O'Connor, 73, the court's first female justice, has long expressed admiration and fondness for Powell and devotes a chapter to him in her new book, "The Majesty of the Law." She called Powell "a model of human kindness, decency, exemplary behavior and integrity" who was concerned in every case "about reaching a fair and just result."

Change of heart

Powell's views also could play a role in a case the court will announce Thursday on whether states can prosecute people for having consensual homosexual sex in the privacy of their homes. Powell joined a 1986 opinion upholding a similar Georgia anti-sodomy law, a vote he told Tribe and others he later came to regret.

Some observers have predicted that Powell's change of heart may resonate with O'Connor in that case.

O'Connor said Tuesday that Powell, as a legal thinker, probably cared "more about the ultimate fairness of the resolution" of a particular problem "than is typical in deciding these abstract principles of law."

"You're not dealing with Mary and Sam and little Johnny. You're dealing with abstract principles," O'Connor said of deciding a case. "He was a person who, although he did that, at the same time he cared about little Johnny and Mary as well."

Role of women

During the conversation in her chambers, adorned with Southwestern artifacts that reflect her upbringing on an Arizona cattle ranch, O'Connor talked about her life, as well as her views on the law and the role of women in shaping it.

She was relaxed and animated as she mentioned several pioneering women who helped pave the way for future female leaders, including herself. Her husband, John, sat on a nearby couch reading a newspaper while she talked about how, as a young woman, she balanced work and family, and succeeded in a legal world often hostile to women.

Her comments on the affirmative action decision were a brief part of Tuesday's interview. But they nonetheless were illuminating.

For instance, in her opinion for the court, O'Connor said she expected that racial preferences "will no longer be necessary" in 25 years.

But her remarks indicate she offered the time frame as an _expression_ of hope--not a definitive endpoint, as dissenting justices and opponents of affirmative action had suggested.

She also said the justices, in cases like the affirmative action dispute, realize that how they resolve abstract legal issues can significantly affect individuals.

"We often recognize that issues, the abstract issues with which we deal, do have real life consequences and may matter deeply to people," she said. "That's why you try to do the best you can. But you can't decide it on the basis of, `Oh, gosh, a lot of people are going to be affected.'"

O'Connor spoke passionately about the tremendous obstacles women have overcome and the "sea change" in public attitudes about women's roles in society. It was just 51 years ago that she graduated near the top of her class at Stanford Law School, only to be offered a job as a legal secretary.

Many young women today who encounter no real barriers to getting a job find it "almost inconceivable" to imagine a time when that wasn't the case, O'Connor said.

O'Connor eventually formed a small law firm in Arizona, and then, with three small sons, quit when her baby-sitter moved to California. That decision was difficult, she said, because she was "fearful I'd never get another job in the legal profession."

She ran for public office after her children were in school, eventually winning election to the Arizona Senate and, later, to a state appellate court. When President Ronald Reagan in 1981 offered her a position on the U.S. Supreme Court--fulfilling a campaign wish to nominate the first woman--O'Connor said she felt additional pressure as a woman.

Hesitant to join court

"I've always said it's fine to be the first, but you don't want to be the last," she said. "I was acutely aware of the negative consequences if I arrived here and did a poor job. It made me hesitant to say yes when the president called."

In her 22 years on the bench, O'Connor has become, in the eyes of many, the court's most powerful justice. A moderate conservative, she often provides the key vote on high-profile cases in areas of race, religion, abortion and civil liberties.

At times, she tempers the positions of her more conservative colleagues, particularly in religion and voting-rights cases. And, as Monday's affirmative action case made clear, she also breaks ranks to join the more liberal side.

Because of her key role on such a closely divided court, an O'Connor retirement now would be momentous and would give the Bush administration an opportunity to change the balance of the court. She declined Tuesday to say whether she had decided about her future.

But several observers said her affirmative action opinion had the feel of a swan song and speculated on whether she was considering retirement.

Tribe said O'Connor clearly decided to write the decision broadly, endorsing Powell's view and providing a theoretical framework for why diversity mattered.

"You might speculate that if she were going to retire soon, leaving a landmark behind her instead of just another little point on a confusing spectrum would be a sensible way to take advantage of the experience and insight she has developed on all of this," Tribe said.

"If she were firmly intending to stay for several years, one could imagine she'd say, `We'll do this in three baby steps.'"

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