There is a formula on the how-to-build-and-deploy.html page.  You can
lower the number of threads without issue but you must have enough
database handles so you don't starve the threads of handles.  Each
thread can use a handle at a time.


On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Farzad Valad <> wrote:
> The way I have manifoldcf configured is utilizing much more resource than
> Eclipse can bare and consequently either Eclipse locks or crashes.  I want
> to reduce the resource load and my thought is to limit the following
> properties to 10:
> database.maxhandles
> crawler.threads
> crawler.expirethreads
> crawler.cleanupthreads
> crawler.deletethreads
> Also in the UI, set the max JVM conn to 5 for output and repo connectors.
> I know there is a mathematical relationship between some of these
> properties, meaning some have to be in the limit of the others, but don't
> see it very clearly.
> Thanks,
> Farzad.

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